Family Shots Organizer
My FAVORITE thing about having a second shooter is to use them to organize ALL the family shots, that have a million different combinations, with a million different people (okay a million is an over estimate but GEEZ sometimes it feels as if it’s a million). Part of my bride’s questionnaire is to fill out all the different combos she and her groom would like of different family and friends. I give this part of the questionnaire to my second shooter, she organizes the flow of the family shots, the people, and the checklist of my bride and groom’s combos. SO GREAT!
Moments Saved
Weddings are long!!! Whew, I get tired just thinking of them! As photographers, it’s imperative to give our bodies frequent breaks throughout our marathon shooting sessions at weddings. BUT what if we miss something, a moment, a memory, a time when all the guests get out their cell phones to snap the picture (like when all the groom’s childhood playmates hoist him up in celebration) but the professional photographer is nowhere to be found because they were taking their break! Having a second shooter, will ensure the professional photographer is there to snap the picture (either they do it themselves or can alert the head photographer to grab the moment).